This One Habit Can Dramatically Impact Your Money

I recently watched a YouTube video that proclaimed that one habit will reveal how a person performs in life. The video’s point was to state that how you do one thing, is typically how you do all things.

You heard that right. How you do one thing, is how you do all things. It does not seem that way, but if you step back and observe your behavior, you may have to admit that it may be true for your life.

Habits, the small things done over time will lead to a result. That is why your habits must align with the results that you desire because regardless, there will be a result. Since habits will lead to a specific result, then I wanted to share how this one habit can also translate to your money.

The habit that the video referred to is making your bed.

I know, it sounds simple and almost dismissive, but hear me out.

The video goes on to describe three types of people and how they manage this one task – making their bed.

The Scenarios

The first person wakes up in the morning a bit tired, they may hit the snooze button, rolls around in the bed, checks their phone, and when they are ready, they get out the bed. They leisurely complete personal hygiene activities and then goes back to the bedroom to make up their bed. Once complete, they leave.

The second person hears the alarm clock and rises out of bed. They immediately make their bed and organize for the day. Next, they complete personal hygiene, and once complete, they leave.

The third person wakes up, takes their time, and gets out of bed when they are ready. They go to the bathroom for personal hygiene and when complete they leave. Unlike the others, they don’t make their bed.

What This Habit Reveals

You may be thinking, “What does this habit have to do with how I live my life?” Here’s how.

Since this habit is repeated every day and a third of your life is spent sleeping in bed, it must have an impact. Habits lead to a result, whether the result is good or bad is relative.

How you do one thing, is how you do most things.  – Unknown

So here is what is revealed.

The first person, who takes their time but eventually makes their bed will create a habit of procrastination. They take their time and wait close to the deadline to act. This shows in some of the smallest tasks as well.

The second person who promptly gets out of bed and makes it up cultivates a habit of solving problems methodically and addresses each problem one step at a time. They are organized, efficient, and address challenges immediately. They are not cluttered with multi-tasking, but intentional and focused on completing one task at a time.

The third person who takes their time and does not make up their bed develops a habit of being careless. They believe that it is no reason to make up the bed because they are coming back that evening and it makes no sense to do double the work. This shows up by arriving late, missing deadlines, and several incomplete assignments.

There is no judgment on how anyone chooses to live their life. The actions are neither good nor bad, but the behavior you choose will lead to a result.

How This Impacts Your Money

Because how you do one thing, will show up in other tasks, this behavior will show up in how you handle your money. And how you handle your money correlates to your ability to build wealth.

First Scenario

For the first person that developed a habit of procrastination, this shows up in your money by waiting to the last minute to finish important tasks. For example, you may wait until the last day of the month to complete your spending plan or send payments on the final day that it is due. While you still complete the task, it is under pressure and expends unnecessary energy.

This also may show up in delaying your financial goals to when you have time or feel like it. If you are serious about your financial future and building wealth, this is not the habit that will get you the result that you desire by your deadline. Building wealth requires intention, early action, and consistency.

Second Scenario

The second person has developed the habit of getting these done, efficiently and immediately. They are normally people who plan and execute with a sense of urgency. They start and finish the task and give their focus to the task at hand.

This shows up in your money by organizing your money in advance and actively tracking your progress. This person has financial goals and is taking proactive steps to meet them in the most efficient way possible. Their bills are paid in advance and they are aware of how they are using their money.

Related Blog – Simple Steps To Organize Your Money

Third Scenario

The third person has developed a habit of getting to it when they can if they feel like it. This is a very casual lifestyle that may result in less stress in the short term but when it matters, it may become overwhelming.

This shows up in your money by not making progress on your financial goals. You manage your money in your head rather than a spending plan. Some of the behavior may show up as impulse shopping, late fees, and sporadically saving when you can. Managing money is not consistent or intentional.

Related Blog – How To Be Accountable To Your Financial Goals


You didn’t realize that making your bed has that much of an impact huh? Could you resonate with any of the characters?

I know I did and I believe the analysis is true. Regardless of where you fall in the scenarios, the main purpose is to be aware. It’s not to justify why you do things, but to encourage you to pay attention to your actions, even the small ones. Why? Because every action repeated over an extended period has consequences. Ensure that your actions align with where you want to go in life. That’s getting your Finances on Point.

Interested in the video? Click here.

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