5 Ways to Level Up Your Money – FINCON Edition

Early September I attended my 2nd FinCon (a conference for financial literacy advocates) in Washington, DC.  Like the first experience, it was jam-packed with amazing content and networking until the early hours in the morning.  Who knew money nerds could turn up like this? It has taken me a week to recover.

Even though it was an exhausting week, I learned a great deal of information and how it can be applied to your money.

Here are 5 Lessons from FINCON that you can help you with your money.

Get Uncomfortable to Grow

While I loved reconnecting with old friends and making new ones, I must admit I was on a personal emotional rollercoaster.  One moment I was full of life and the next moment I experienced doubt and confusion. Unlike last year, when I had no clue what was going on, this year I came with a plan.  I planned to connect with companies and tell them all about the good things we were doing with Finances On Point.  But, before each meeting, I experienced a hint of nervousness and questioned if I was ready to do this. I was putting myself out there to be judged and rejected.

I was uncomfortable.

What if they aren’t interested? What if they say this isn’t good enough? What if (insert any unjustified excuse)?  I created so many stories in my head.

Despite the fear, I did the meetings…uncomfortable and all.  We will see what develops from the discussions, but regardless I’m better from that experience and growth is the goal.

Here’s How This Helps Your Money– Most of us say they want more money, but we stay in our comfort zone.   Sorry, but the next level of money is not in your comfort zone.

For your money to increase, you must increase and for you to increase, you must expand outside of your comfort zone.


You must put yourself out there.  Something different must occur despite how uncomfortable it is at first.   You are becoming the person who has the skill and the tenacity to earn the additional money.

For me, I am becoming the person the companies would be excited to work with.  I needed to experience that level of discomfort to learn, develop, and come back stronger.

It’s the same process for you.  If you want to make more money, you must do the thing you are afraid to do.  Whether it be public speaking or applying for that new position/promotion.  Just go for it.  Scared and all.

The Right Network Elevates You & Your Money

Energy is real.  You experience it every day when you interact with someone.  You can feel it without a person saying a word.  This is why you must surround yourself with people and spaces that inspires and energizes you.  For me, this place was FinCon.  Being around people who are on a similar path to help change the money conversations across the globe fires me up.

Conversations continued until 2 am or sometimes later into the morning.  Not only were we discussing money topics, but how we can support each other.  The discussions were not separated by your experience level.  There were people who have been in this industry for decades and there were people who were still deciding what they wanted to do.  The experience level didn’t matter, we were all vibrating the same energy.

It is important to surround yourself with people who vibrate on the same wavelength as where you want to go. This is not mystical hocus pocus talk, it’s physics.  Like attracts like.

Here’s How This Helps Your Money – You have heard the phrase,

“Your network is your net worth”.

It’s true.  Ask your friends.  They are probably earning around the same income as you. If you want to elevate your money, you need to expose yourself to people who are also elevating their money. The right network will take you to a level that you would not have been exposed to if you kept having the same conversations.  Seek out where they are and join them! There are tons of ways to meet people now either through meetups or just a friendly hello online.

Seek out different circles. When you find that new network, expose your friends to it too.

Give More Than You Receive

FinCon encourages collaboration and sharing throughout the conference.  It is unlike any conference I have ever attended.  Everyone willingly shares information and I don’t mean the speakers on the stage.  A great deal of the information I learned was through fireside chats, during lunches, or hanging out in the lobby.  Everyone was graciously sharing without sending out an invoice after the conversation.

For example, Steve Hughes, the founder of Know Money non-profit and the BankRoll Summit, hosted a highly interactive Q&A session with people who were interested in being public speakers.  The room was packed and he stayed until every question was answered.

Another example was from Ms. Madam Money herself, Tarra Jackson.  She also hosted a Q&A on how to publish a book and why it was important.  She also made herself available for one on one mentoring sessions; which I participated in and gained valuable nuggets on the way forward.

Lastly, Ms. Sonya Smith-Valentine, the founder of Financially Fierce, spent hours pouring into the community discussing how to structure your business and work with corporations to help their employees be financially confident.

These are just a few examples, but so many people gave to the community, not expecting anything in return.

Here’s How This Helps Your Money – The real blessing is in the giving.  It’s the same thing with your money.  People mistakenly think that they don’t have enough to give.

I’m not sure what that magical number is to say, “Yes, I can give,” but it’s not the amount that counts, it’s the action.

It is the faith to give knowing that you will be taken care of regardless even if you do not receive anything back from the person you gave to. 

If you hold onto your money with a tight fist, you may hold onto that dollar, but that more money cannot flow in as well.   So, you save $1 and pass up $100 or more.  Give what you can and trust that you will be blessed in return.  That’s the way the universe works.

Stop Asking For Permission And Create Your Own Path

There were a few dynamic speakers that had applied to teach at the conference but were not selected. There were limited spots so obviously, everyone could not be selected.  However, instead of complaining about not being on stage, they created their own platform to speak to their community.

They did not ask for or seek permission from anyone to share and serve.  They were confident in their ability to deliver despite being turned down.  A closed-door doesn’t inhibit your gift, it just means it can be shared in a different way.

Stop Waiting For Someone To Validate You.  Validation is For Parking.  – Patrice Washington

Here’s How This Helps Your Money – Stop waiting for others to recognize you for your contributions.  If you were passed over for promotion or denied a pay raise, do not accept that as your only option.  Know your worth and the value you bring to the table.  When one door closes, don’t sit outside that door and wait for someone to open it for you, go find another door or window.  Sometimes God is waiting on you to move so he can show what else he has to offer.

Do not limit your success to someone else’s agenda.


“I’ve got a million ways to get it.  Choose one.” – Jay Z

Have Fun, Life Is About More Than Money

Even though we learned a ton, we partied hard.  I’ve had some of the best laughs at this conference.  I partied so hard at the closing party that I sweated my hair out ((GIF) black girl hair problems.

We kicked off the conference with a go-go band on Friday night and closed it out with DJ Trini that knew how to keep the crowd on the dance floor.  While the conference was about business where people were learning their craft, meeting with companies to discuss partnerships, and connecting with others in the industry, it was a good combination of business and fun.

This is important because some people believe you have to pursue extremes whether it be all business and no downtime or all fun and the business is lacking.  Life is meant to be enjoyed so make the most out of it.

Here’s How This Helps Your Money–  I understand that people have financial goals to save more and/or pay down debt.  There is also a lot of advice telling you about sacrifice and becoming a hermit to achieve your goal.  That is one strategy, but who wants to suffer to achieve your goal?

Sacrifice is required, suffering is not.

While you achieve your goal, it is ok to set aside money to enjoy life.

When I was paying down $40K of debt, I made a point to allocate a certain amount of money for me to enjoy.  That kept me motivated and focused on achieving.  While the amount I allocated for spending was less than what I would normally spend, I wasn’t deprived at all.

It’s important to maintain balance because life is still meant to be enjoyed.  You only get one shot on this ride.

Final Thoughts

FinCon is always an awesome experience, but more important is what I can share with you to help you with your money.  Here’s your action plan:

Get Uncomfortable to Grow.

Surround Yourself With People Growing.

Give More.

When They Say No, Create Your Yes.

Have Fun.

So what’s your next step going to be? Tell me in the comments below.

That’s getting your Finances On Point.

4 thoughts on “5 Ways to Level Up Your Money – FINCON Edition

  1. “Stop asking for permission and create your own path”
    I wish I followed that statement a few years ago. It’s 100% facts. I love the energy from FinCon. I’m motivated now more than ever to make things happen.

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